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IAble Materials

This brochure provides the latest information regarding IAble's tax advantages, plan highlights, eligibility, Investment Options and contact information.

Review this eight-page brochure for information regarding plan highlights, eligibility, Investment Options and frequently asked questions.

This one-page flyer outlines the information and items you will need to open an IAble account for yourself or on behalf of an Eligible Individual.

This two-page document provides a general comparison between IAble accounts and different types of Special Needs Trusts, including 3rd Party Trusts, 1st Party Trusts and Pooled Trusts. 

Helpful Websites & Organizations

IAble is part of the National ABLE Alliance. The National ABLE Alliance is a partnership of States dedicated to providing those living with disabilities an ABLE investment product that offers multiple financial options at low cost.

The ABLE NRC is a leading source of information about federal- and state-related ABLE programs and activities.

NDI is the first and only national nonprofit organization exclusively focused on the financial health and wellness of people with disabilities.

NAST serves as the nation's foremost authority for state treasury programs and related financial practices, policies and education. Their ABLE Savings Plans Network (ASPN) provides strategic leadership on the implementation of the ABLE Act.

ABLE Today is brought to you by the NAST Foundation, and their mission is to advance financial empowerment for people with disabilities by increasing the awareness of ABLE accounts. On their website you can find tools on ABLE accounts, how they work, webinars and more.

ABLE Today has provided videos on ABLE accounts, presented by native ASL users. The videos cover benefits of ABLE accounts for individuals with disabilities and are available in English and Spanish.

Able Up Iowa helps people of all abilities become independent by providing solutions of financial needs and empowering them to achieve financial goals.

The SSA’s page dedicated to providing information about the ABLE Act.

Information from the IRS regarding ABLE accounts, including tax benefits, resources and more.

The final regulations that provide guidance regarding the Stephen Beck, Jr., Achieving a Better Life Experience Act of 2014 (ABLE Act).

The ABLE National Resource Center provides information on the ABLE To Work Act, which allows people with ABLE accounts who work to potentially save above the federal annual ABLE contribution limit.

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