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Contribution Methods

Up to $19,000 can be contributed to an IAble account each year, which can be exceeded by Account Owners who are employed (see ABLE to Work below).

Any person, including your friends, family, corporation, trust or other legal entity may contribute to your IAble account. From writing a check to having Supplemental Security Income (SSI) benefit payments directly deposited, we offer a variety of contribution methods to choose from.

  • Check

  • Wire transfer

  • Payroll direct deposit

  • Recurring contributions

  • SSI benefit payments

  • Transfers from a Special Needs Trust

  • Rollover from a 529 plan

In addition, Supplemental Security Income (SSI) benefit payments can be directly deposited into an IAble account.

ABLE to Work

IAble Account Owners who earn income may contribute additional funds (also known as ABLE to Work) beyond the Annual Contribution Limit of $19,000 – up to $15,060 more. If you are an employer or a working individual with a disability, check out the various resources we provide to help you learn about this benefit and educate others. 

ABLE to Work

Are you an Account Owner looking for more information? Check out our ABLE to Work page for information on eligibility, how to get started and more. 

For Employers

IAble can be a great option to helping employers make their benefits package stand out from their competitors. Our For Employers page provides resources and websites to get started.

For Employees

Payroll direct deposit can be a great way for working Account Owners to save their hard-earned income for Qualified Disability Expenses. Our For Employees page provides an outline on how to start, as well as other resources to help you achieve independence through employment. 


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