DES MOINES, Iowa – State Treasurer Roby Smith is celebrating the first National ABLE (Achieving a Better Life Experience) Savings Day on August 14. “ABLE accounts can change the way individuals with disabilities and their support system participate in the community, plan for the future and build financial wellness,” Smith...
DES MOINES, Iowa – July is nationally recognized as Disability Pride Month, and State Treasurer Roby Smith is taking the opportunity to spotlight IAble, Iowa’s Achieving a Better Life Experience (ABLE) plan. Celebrated every July, Disability Pride Month marks the anniversary of signing the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) into...
DES MOINES, Iowa – State Treasurer Roby Smith announces IAble, Iowa’s Achieving a Better Life Experience (ABLE) plan, has reached an important milestone. “I am proud to share IAble Account Owners have withdrawn more than $10 million to pay for Qualified Disability Expenses,” said Smith. “This is not only a...
DES MOINES, Iowa – State Treasurer Roby Smith is thrilled to announce historic updates across Iowa’s 529 plans. Recent state legislation has increased the tax deduction amount up to $5,500 for contributions to Iowa’s two 529 plans, College Savings Iowa and the IAdvisor 529 Plan, and IAble, Iowa’s Achieving a...
DES MOINES, Iowa – This April, State Treasurer Roby Smith is taking part in the ABLE to Save Month campaign by educating Iowans about IAble, the state’s Achieving a Better Life Experience (ABLE) plan. “IAble has been helping individuals with disabilities protect crucial benefits, without jeopardizing their need to save...
DES MOINES, Iowa – State Treasurer Roby Smith is reminding Iowans that saving with IAble, Iowa’s Achieving a Better Life Experience (ABLE) plan, can be a team effort. “Saving doesn’t have to be an individual sport. With an IAble account, others can assist an Account Owner – the team’s MVP...
DES MOINES, Iowa – State Treasurer Roby Smith is using February 29 as a way to spread the word about IAble, Iowa’s Achieving a Better Life Experience (ABLE) plan. “Whether you’re looking to leap over asset caps or leap into financial freedom, IAble can help you maximize the extra day...
DES MOINES – Treasurer Smith encourages individuals with disabilities and their support system to consider saving with IAble in 2024. “A new year is the perfect opportunity to review past goals and determine new ones for your future,” Smith said. “If things like achieving financial freedom and saving money without...
DES MOINES – This October, State Treasurer Roby Smith is encouraging employers to celebrate National Disability Employment Awareness Month (NDEAM) by joining IAble in supporting an inclusive work environment. “Diversifying the workplace is about celebrating our differences and finding creative ways to make an accessible work environment for everyone,” said...
DES MOINES – This football season, State Treasurer Roby Smith is cheering about IAble, Iowa’s Achieving a Better Life Experience (ABLE) plan. “Individuals with disabilities utilizing federal benefits, such as Supplemental Security Income (SSI) or Medicaid, get tackled by asset caps when trying to save money,” said Smith. “These asset...